Professional performing arts portrait & event photographer based out of the midwest. Travels anywhere.

Take The Stage
Music Photography | Live Concert Photos | Music Portraits
My reason for becoming a music photographer is very similar to why I chose to become a musician; I enjoy sharing emotional art with others. This fact still rings very true today; just now with a camera in-hand rather than a trumpet.
Please take a look around and get a feel for my style as you think about booking a photo session. I prioritize communication and want you to feel as comfortable and camera-ready as possible. Let's give you the best chance possible for that standing ovation.
Why Jack?
Why choose me as your music photographer?
Before picking up a camera, I spent 10 years playing trumpet. Although you probably wouldn't want to hear me play now, I've lived a musical life.
Take the stage and do what you know how to do. I'll make it look really cool, I promise.
My dad owned an audio/ visual company; there were more cameras than beds in our house and I literally grew up around this industry.
All I want is to make performers look & feel cool. Everything else is secondary.
Being able to understand terms like "sickled foot" and "stick heights" is really beneficial in this line of work. Details matter.
Shaky iPhone 6s footage from Row 19 doesn't exist here. You'll get my best, every time.
What I can do for You
50 Reasons to Hire jacksnapsband
Mayonnaise Becomes An Instrument
Upcoming College Recital
Just Got A New Guitar
Washing Machine Starts Shaking to the Tempo of Thunderstruck
Baby's First Drum Set
Elementary School Band Concert
You Actually Decide To Practice
There Was a Broadway Soundtrack On Your Spotify Wrapped
You're In a Band
Just Got The Piano Tuned
You've Mistaken The Unmistakable Can't Miss It Volume Knob
State Marching Band Competition
Your Pet Cockatiel Sings If You're Happy And You Know It
Paganini #5 Is a Warmup
ProTools Quit Unexpectedly
ProTools Didn't Quit Unexpectedly
You're The Designated Karaoke Singer Of The Friend Group
Jacob Collier Writes in Major
Starting Jaw Harp Lessons Next Week
New Church Organist
Ya Like Jazz
Your Name Is Jack Stratton
4th Grade Choir Concert
Found a Stradivarius at The Thrift Store
You're Visiting Carnegie Hall
26. First Music-Ed Job
27. Lost a Chair Challenge
28. Stairway To Heaven Is Played At a Guitar Store
29. You Workout To Mongolian Throat Singing
30. Firstborn Child Hits The Pots & Pans Phase
31. The Blue Devils Win a DCI Championship
32. KSI Drops Another Feature
33. You Still Own RockBand
34. Someone Catches you Singing Into a Hairbrush
35. Just Passed The AP Music Theory Exam
36. Released an Album
37. Your Band Plays Madison Square Garden
38. Sorry, I Backed My Car Into Your Tuba
39. Rest In Peace Mac Miller
40. Church Got New Hymnals
41. You're Considering a Mariachi Band Wedding Proposal
42. GameStop Has a Copy of Wii Music
43. Rick Astley Lets You Down
44. You Marry A Rockstar
45. That Reverb Listing Finally Sells
46. Christmas Music Starts Before Thanksgiving
47. You Made It This Far In The List
48. Hans Zimmer
49. The Substitute is Better Than The Main Player
50. The Audience Claps on 2 and 4